The Miracle Meal South Africa 2

The Miracle Meal South Africa: What This Past Week Meant To Us

This week was an incredibly difficult one for all of us in South Africa. We saw beautiful parts of our country literally go up in flames, items stolen as well as lives lost. It was heart-breaking to watch and devastating to experience.

While this time brought upon a lot of heartache, we witnessed a supernatural move from God. We watched as communities rallied amongst themselves to protect their loved ones. As locals made a way to provide food and baby necessities to those that needed it most. People across South Africa showed their support for provinces that took the biggest hit, and even flew supplies across the country. And, thousands have gathered to clean and restore broken and damaged locations.

Through all the chaos and fear, God was in the midst.

We heard many stories of people turning to Christ in this moment to bring clarity and stir faith. The Miracle Meal was shared across the country as people prayed for this situation and declared His restoration over it. From online worship services to intimate estate prayer meetings, The Miracle Meal helped position people in a posture of faith. A posture of remembrance and a posture of victory. Because He had already restored all that was broken.

This was our heart’s desire when we developed The Miracle Meal. Our hope was that in the darkest of moments, communion would turn our eyes to Him. We are honoured that we could be part of these incredible moments. Communion has an amazing way of bringing comfort to the broken.

As we continue to rebuild our country, may we never forget the beauty that it holds. We declare God’s grace, blessing and favour over South Africa. And we pray for His protection over our families, homes as well as our businesses.

If you would like to get The Miracle Meal into your home to share as a family or small group, contact our team today. We are all in this together.

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